Reality check: which is good for the Braun and philips electric shaver?

2018-03-30 14:49:25 Source:深圳市引领者科技有限公司    Author:温小编    Visit:714
Braun and philips have long dominated the market for electric razors. Like many of my friends when they buy a razor, they struggle with these two brands. To tell you the truth, there is nothing valuable about the advertisement. After all, "wang Po sells melons", advertisements only say their own advantages. Coincidentally, the annual meeting of the company, I drew a bolang 7 series, plus the philips I bought before, I have a chance to make a real test and see which is good for Braun and philips shaver.
My hand of the two machine are mentioned S5351 bolang 7 series 7840 s and philips, and it is both its own brand product line of high-end products, prices, almost it in contrast is more fair. Let's take a picture first.
Which is good for Braun and philips: design.
From the outside, I personally feel that Braun is a notch above him. Braun's overall material is a silver-grey frosted metallic material, which can be seen from the details, and the details are very delicate and textured. The overall design of the fuselage is simple, but at the same time, it is very smooth and conforms to the curve of the hands, which is very consistent with the design style of German precision industry. Personally, I like it very much, no wonder people say that Braun is one of pretend bility's very high razors.
The appearance of philips S5351 is actually quite good. The shell of the sapphire is very bright. But I don't know whether it's because the blade is too big or the fuselage is too curved, and it feels a bit like E.T, plus the plastic shell, which doesn't look as big as boron.
Which is good for Braun and philips: the blade design.
The difference between the head and the head is arguably the difference between the Braun and philips systems. Braun used a reciprocating razor, while philips used a rotary razor. The difference between the two razors is that the rotary razor is mostly made up of multiple spindles, while the reciprocating blades are arranged in neat rows, like a comb - facing blade. A picture description:
As indicated on the chart, the path of the reciprocating blade is straight, while the rotating blade is spiraled forward. This determines that the reciprocating blade covers a larger area of skin and is more efficient. To put it simply, the stubble is ok on the top and bottom of the reciprocating blade, and the rotating blade needs to be circled in place to shave off the beard.
I use it myself to make it clear that Braun's reciprocating blade is more convenient and saves time, and it can be shaved without having to pull it back and forth on the face many times. Philips's words need to be more detailed, and the shaving time is longer.
Which is good for Braun and philips: security.
The last thing I want to do is shave my mouth or break my face, which is why I always choose electric razor. Both have very good facial protection designs. Braun 7 series design comparison technology hang. It USES intelligent sound wave sensing technology, which has 30, 000 microvibrations in a minute and automatically recognizes stubble through the feedback of sound waves.
In addition, there is a skin protection bar at the edge of the knife, which can minimize the irritation to the skin. The philips s5351 is designed to be curved by the blade, which can effectively avoid scratches when passing through the skin. Which is good for Braun and philips: addition of accessories.
There is basically an intelligent cleaning center at the end of the 7 series. With the razor in reverse, it can clean the head automatically and charge it, which is very practical. Also bring a sideburns clipper on the fuselage to use it for sideburns or styling.
Philips S5351 does not have automatic cleaning device, or needs to clean the cutting head. Philips can change the head, the head can be replaced with a face brush, the shape of the head and so on. What's less interesting is that these versatile replacements need to be purchased separately...
Ever since I drew this razor, my philips has been largely idle. While there may be a different answer to the question of which is good for the braang and the philips, for myself, the 7-series is the same price as philips S5351. And I also very recommend the elder brother dei, go to these two brands of counters to feel the two machines I said. It's easy to see the results firsthand.

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